In a world where every penny counts, finding ways to save money on essential expenses like gas can make a significant impact on your budget.
Navigate with Confidence: Mastering the Art of Using Turn Signals
In this guide, we’ll explore the right way to use your turn signals and touch on essential tips, including how proper signaling can impact your insurance coverage.
Shining Success: Tips for the Perfect DIY Car Wash and How Comprehensive Auto Insurance Keeps Your Ride Pristine
In this guide, we’ll explore tips for the perfect DIY car wash and how insurance ensures your ride stays pristine, inside and out.
The Ultimate Guide: How to Wax Your Car for a Dazzling Shine
In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you through the step-by-step process of waxing your car for that unbeatable, head-turning shine.
Car Caught on Fire, Now What?
Had an interesting claim this week. Two of my insureds were parked next to each other and one of the cars caught on fire. It was not running, but it also scorched the side of the other car, which melted everything that was plastic. The process that goes through that, the insurance company investigates the […]
Is a Rental Car Covered Under My Policy?
Is a rental car covered under my policy?
When Should You Turn in a Claim?
When Should You Turn in a Claim? Do you need auto, home, business/commercial, or life insurance? Contact us for a quote today On a auto accident or anything like that, you should turn it in automatically, as soon as it happens, as fast as you can. On a home claim like hail or things like that, […]
Are You Getting Paid While Driving?
oday, we’re going to talk about if you are delivering pizzas, or doing Uber or Lyft,
Are You Renting Out Your Car or Camper?
If you rent your car or camper out to people using one of the RV share apps or car share apps, do you know that your policy, personal policy, will not cover that type of endeavor?